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oeuvres:l_art_du_maquillage [2015/03/12 17:20] – Modified from the form at oeuvres:l_art_du_maquillage Camille Arpinoeuvres:l_art_du_maquillage [2015/03/12 17:22] (Version actuelle) Camille Arpin
Ligne 61: Ligne 61:
 « //L'art du maquillage// (1997), a novel by Sergio Kokis, a Quebec author originally from Brazil, not only illustrates the theme of exile but also the universal theme of self discovery, making it a true //bildungsroman//. This thesis undertakes an analysis of the role of the regard --a concept difficult to translate that includes the idea of the gaze, the look, the eye, as well as one's perception or point of view--in order to examine its impact on the protagonist Max's search for identity. This is accomplished in conjunction with a study of the role of the paratext of the novel and various other themes such as counterfeiting, the role of the female figure as "other" and the question of "reality" and "truth". By way of his encounters with Marilyn de Rosemont, Caroline, Brenda, Annette and Vera, as well as the influence of the artists imitated (notably Marc-Aurèle Fortin, René Richard, Egon Schiele and Otto Dix), Max describes his evolution as an artist and as a counterfeiter. By exploring the role played by the regard in the act of creation (lending particular attention towards the end to //Les langages de la création//, an essay by Kokis himself) and in the search for self, we discover the transformative power it engenders and the fact that it is a plurality of regards that orient us in the world, in our interactions with others and in our self conceptions. This plurality of the //regard// is well illustrated by the combination of the written word and visual art chosen as the form of expression in this novel, resulting in a captivating example of the implications of the power of representation. The narrator's story and the accompanying illustrations, as well as the works of art described therein, allow the reader to grasp a new understanding of the importance an individual's point of view exerts on "reality", and the complexity of the role the //regard// plays in every aspect of creation. » « //L'art du maquillage// (1997), a novel by Sergio Kokis, a Quebec author originally from Brazil, not only illustrates the theme of exile but also the universal theme of self discovery, making it a true //bildungsroman//. This thesis undertakes an analysis of the role of the regard --a concept difficult to translate that includes the idea of the gaze, the look, the eye, as well as one's perception or point of view--in order to examine its impact on the protagonist Max's search for identity. This is accomplished in conjunction with a study of the role of the paratext of the novel and various other themes such as counterfeiting, the role of the female figure as "other" and the question of "reality" and "truth". By way of his encounters with Marilyn de Rosemont, Caroline, Brenda, Annette and Vera, as well as the influence of the artists imitated (notably Marc-Aurèle Fortin, René Richard, Egon Schiele and Otto Dix), Max describes his evolution as an artist and as a counterfeiter. By exploring the role played by the regard in the act of creation (lending particular attention towards the end to //Les langages de la création//, an essay by Kokis himself) and in the search for self, we discover the transformative power it engenders and the fact that it is a plurality of regards that orient us in the world, in our interactions with others and in our self conceptions. This plurality of the //regard// is well illustrated by the combination of the written word and visual art chosen as the form of expression in this novel, resulting in a captivating example of the implications of the power of representation. The narrator's story and the accompanying illustrations, as well as the works of art described therein, allow the reader to grasp a new understanding of the importance an individual's point of view exerts on "reality", and the complexity of the role the //regard// plays in every aspect of creation. »
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 +RUNGOO, Usha, « "Je est d’autres" : intermédialité et altérité chez Dany Laferrière et Sergio Kokis », mémoire de maîtrise, département d’études françaises, Université de Queen’s, 2010, 147 f.  +++ Thèse de doctorat / mémoire de maîtrise 
 +### **Résumé :** 
 +« //Comment faire l’amour avec un Nègre sans se fatiguer// (1985) de Dany Laferrière et //L’art du maquillage// (1997) de Sergio Kokis, en plus de faire partie de ce qu’on nomme la littérature migrante au Québec, ont ceci de commun : les deux romans explorent la question de l’identité et de l’altérité, le premier d’une perspective surtout raciale et le deuxième à un niveau individuel et artistique. Si, d’un côté, l’altérité dans l’identité renvoie à l’importance de l’autre pour le sujet au niveau de la diégèse des romans, d’un autre côté, elle est la trace d’une discursivité autre dans l’écriture des deux romans. La présente étude se propose ainsi d’explorer cette importance de l’autre : à travers une étude de présences discursives autres, plus spécifiquement l’étude de références intermédiales à quatre tableaux qui s’avèrent très significatifs dans le contexte de ces deux romans, nous verrons l’importance de l’autre dans la constitution de l’identité des personnages divers. Nous verrons comment, dans le roman de Laferrière, le sujet, à travers sa propre perception et sa création littéraire, objective l’autre et, ce faisant, finit par s’objectiver lui-même. Dans le roman de Kokis, non seulement le sujet échouera-t-il dans sa tentative d’atteindre le vrai Autre, n’ayant connaissance de l’autre que d’après sa propre perception et ses propres expériences, il finira par changer l’identité de cet autre. On verra se profiler derrière cette étude, comme cadre théorique, les études psychanalytiques de Jacques Lacan sur les rapports entre le sujet et l’autre, et les textes théoriques d’Irina O. Rajesky et de Peter Wagner sur l’intermédialité, afin d’aider à mieux tisser les liens entre les tableaux étudiés et les enjeux identitaires présents dans les deux romans. » 
 +« //Comment faire l'amour avec un Nègre sans se fatiguer// (1985) by Dany Laferriere and //L'art du maquillage// (1997) by Sergio Kokis, are two novels that are part of what is known as migrant literature in Quebec. Both explore the question of identity and alterity, one from a racial perspective and the other, from an individual and artistic one. If, on the one hand, the presence of otherness within identity refers to the importance of the other for the subject within the diegesis of the novels, on the other hand, it also represents the trace of a discursive other in the writing of the two novels. Hence, this thesis explores the importance of the other through a study of intermedial references to four paintings that prove to be significant for a better understanding of both novels. In Laferrière's novel, the subject objectifies the other through his perception and his literary creation, and through this process, he objectifies himself. In Kokis's novel, not only does the subject's quest to reach the real Other end in failure, but by representing the other in art, he will eventually change the other's identity. Acting as a theoretical framework for this analysis are Jacques Lacan's psychoanalytic studies on the relationship between the subject and the other, and Irina O. Rajesky's and Peter Wagner's respective theoretical texts on intermediality, with the help of which the links between the paintings and the themes at play in the novels are explored.» 
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