Discours critique sur les œuvres de littérature contemporaine
CHEN, Ying, «Roman et histoire dans “Les dieux ont soif”, suivi de “Les fleurs de lotus”», mémoire de maîtrise, Département de langue et de littérature françaises, Université McGill, 1991, 87 f.
«This master’s thesis in creative work includes two parts: A tale and a critical study. The creative work is entitled Les fleurs de lotus, which delineates the life of a Chinese woman from the last Empire to the communist regime. The story unfolds around the bound-feet of the central character. The feet, in the different period of time, have different consequences for her. The world changes, so does the prejudice against her in various forms. The tale questions the destiny of human being in history. The critical work explores historical novel through the study of France’s novel, Les dieux ont soif. Having demonstrated that history is the main subject of this novel, I contend that skepticism forges France’s vision about revolution and the destiny of human being. Then I detect some literary techniques such as repetition, contrast and irony that France uses in expressing his contemplation about historical processes.»
(Résumé joint au mémoire)